Your look at fresh movies and tasty tidbits of oldies

Welcome to Danish Fresh Cinebuns. I am your host Danish and this is a look at the movies of New and Old.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Never Let Me Go...Yep this movie wont let you go

Tag Line: N/A
Cast: Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield, Keira Knightly
Plot: 3 Friends have to deal with their predetermined fates while discovering who they are and what they want.
My Take: Following the story of 3 kids lives from child hood into adult is often hard to do…because the movie tends to rush it….loosing storytelling and VERY important character development in order to put the whole thing into a two hour slide show. And sadly this movie has done the same thing. Not saying its bad and it stills conveys the same emotion and touch it was suppose to…I just wish they didn’t rush it.
              *SPOILERS ALOT OF THEM*The movie starts off in a seemingly nice boarding school where we meet the main characters Kathy, Tommy, and Ruth. Here is where we establish who loves who and starts the bases of the love story. They also learn about what they are meant to do. They receive tokens, which just like chucky cheese, can be cashed in for a seemingly useless and broken things. They have their classes and everything is normal. We fast forward 5 years They leave the school and move to a tiny little village…where they continue to live their short lives. We see them trying to deal with what the fact that yes….you will die in a 15 years. We fast forward 5 years. We learn that Kathy has become a caregiver, someone that cares for those giving their organs, Ruth has started donations and gives Tommy back to Kathy. We fast forward 5 years Kathy and Tommy have tried to get an extension because they love each other and find the dean of their old school to find it how to get one…where they learn a rather sad truth. Fast forward 5 years…the end.
Now I just summed up the movie I did disclosed some plot points but not in great detail. And the reason I said all that is to really establish the pacing of the movie. And this is really how it goes. It seems rather rushed doesn’t it. If they took an extra half hour to really establish each character well and tell a deeper story than the tragic end would linger more. And I don’t mean to deter people from seeing it…I believe any movie is worth seeing.
I do however believe they did a good job establishing the bond they have for one another and the love that bond created. And that through the heart felt dialogue that is delivered from to time. When one of these lines are delivered (just check out the quotes seen below) it tugs at the heart strings.
Memorable Quotes: Miss Lucy : None of you will go to America. None of you will work in supermarkets. None of you will do anything, except live the life that has already been set out for you. You will become adults, but only briefly. Before you are old, before you are even middle aged, you will start to donate your vital organs. And sometime around your third or fourth donation, your short life will be completed. You have to know who you are, and what you are. It's the only way to lead decent lives.

                                 Kathy: It had never occurred to me that our lives, so closely interwoven, could unravel with such speed. If I'd known, maybe I'd have kept tighter hold of them.
Unanswered Question: WTF were they…were they clones, test tube babies, or unwanted children?
Final Thought: Despite the rushed story. It was touching, moving, and slightly thought provoking. Dialogue delivered was moving and touching when needed.  I would grab a couple tissues, some wine, and cheese...and watch the journey of three friends as discover the value of their very short lives.
              I give it 3.5 out of 5 Cherry Cheese Danishes

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